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Corporate Challenge Cornhole Rules

Team Composition

o Two game guarantee

Doubles Play

o Team A competes against Team B – each team is comprised of two (2) people.

o Players at the headboard will alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all (4) of his/her bags.

Cornhole Foul Lines: The front edge of the cornhole board is the foul line.

Game Play

Traditional 21: The game shall be played to the pre-determined number of twenty-one (21) points. The first player/team to reach (or exceed) that amount at the conclusion of a frame is the winner.

Timing: There shall be no stalling during the game. Winner will be the team that is leading after 15 minutes of play.

Cancellation Scoring: In cancellation scoring, the points of one player cancel out the points of their opponent. Using this method, only one player/team can score in each frame.

Frame A frame consists of a player pitching his/her four bags from one board to another. Players must pitch all four bags from the same side of the board in a frame.

Foul Bags Bags contacting the ground before reaching the playing surface and bags pitched when a player has crossed the foul line are Foul Bags. If a foul bag

lands on the playing surface or comes to rest touching the ground and the board, it must be removed immediately.

On the Board:  is worth one (1) point

In the hole: Cornhole: is worth three (3) points

Pitching the Next Frame:

o The player/team who scored in the preceding frame shall pitch first in the next frame.