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JCC Hosts Tennis Tournament Sunday, October 14th
JCC Hosts Tennis Tournament Sunday, October 14th


The JCC will host a Pro-Am Tennis Tournament on Sunday, October 14th to kick off its new tennis program this fall. Darryl Cummings, the Center’s new Tennis Coach, will run the one day tournament, featuring big names in the area.

Cummings, the former head coach at Old Dominion University, is excited to launch a tennis program at the JCC. "I am honored to be able to offer my brand of tennis to the Simon Family JCC,” he says. “I consider the facility to be the finest recreation facility in Hampton Roads and I am extremely impressed with how they have embraced the Jewish Heritage while offering membership and program to various demographics. I am really looking forward to growing tennis at the Simon Family JCC."

Details about the event October 14th follow. For information about tennis classes, lessons and leagues at the JCC, please visit or email [email protected].


What: Big Man Tennis Tournament where 16 competitive doubles players get together to play doubles for a couple of hours. Upon completion only one player will be declared the “Big Man” Champion.

When: Sunday, October 14, 2012 (12:00 pm – 3:00 pm)

Where: Simon Family JCC Tennis Courts

Number of participants: 16

Levels: Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) 6 and up / USTA Level 3.5 and up. Info about the Universal Tennis Rating System can be found at Open to all genders and a very beneficial event for juniors to get seasoned.

Tournament Format: Doubles players are randomly paired up on 4 courts using the racquet pick methodology; Each court will play 3 mini sets; all players will play with each other during this preliminary round ; After the completion of the preliminary round 1st place players go to court #1, 2nd place players go to court #2, 3rd place players go to court #3, 4th place players go to court #4 for final round of play; Each court will play 3 sets; all players will play with each other; Player winning on top court will be named “Big Man.”

Scoring Format: 9 point tie breakers are played at 4 all in each set; No add scoring is used

Big Man placing criteria: Player who is 3-0 is “Big man” on the court; Ties in overall record will be broken by using the fewest games lost among the 3 sets played; Ties still existing among players will be broken by them playing 1 cross court doubles point

Entry Fee: $25

Sign Up: to sign up, please call 321-2308 or email [email protected].


WHAT: Sixteen (16) doubles teams will play a regular style tennis tournament. Each team will play four matches and each match will consist of one set with a tiebreaker played at 6 all.

WHEN: Sunday October 14, 2012 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

WHO: There will be 16 tennis professionals. These tennis professionals are either current teaching professionals, current or former high level collegiate players, or who believe they are good enough to be referred to as a professional for this event. Each professional will be playing with a so-called amateur. The amateurs are usually people who have never had to lower themselves to make a living off of tennis and play for the love of the game. The amateur for this event will usually be a highly experienced at tennis competition.

WHERE: Simon Family JCC Tennis Courts

AMATEUR FEE $85 Sign Up: to sign up, please call 321-2308 or email [email protected].


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