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A Tribute to Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice
A Tribute to Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice

This Sunday, our country will remember and pay tribute to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice on one of the toughest days in our nation’s history. 15 years ago, 2,977 lives were lost during the events of September 11, 2001.  411 of those 2,977 were first responders. We don’t want to re-play that moment where we watched the twin towers fall with our eyes glued to the TV screen. However, our first responders in New York had to witness that horrific event with their own eyes, some even giving their lives to help save others trapped inside. First responders from around the country gathered in New York to help, protect and serve those in need.

It is in moments like these where we truly understand the sacrifice our firefighters, EMT’s and police officers give on a daily basis. Our first responders go through more stress and see more tragedies in a week than an average person should in a lifetime. The Hampton Roads Sports Commission recognizes this, and wants to give our first responders a week where they can forget about the stresses of their job and enjoy some friendly competition and family fun. The 2016 Hampton Roads Hero Games was created to show our appreciation to those who serve us on a daily basis. We want first responders to be able to spend time with their friends and families while participating in an event made in their honor!

Please join us in creating a great event for our first responders. Get involved and make a difference in the Hampton Roads community by signing up today! For more information on participant or sponsorship information, please follow the link below or contact us anytime.                                                  


Thank you to our current 2016 sponsors:

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Contact Information:

Sara DeGruttola, HRSC Event & Development Manager

Email: [email protected]

Office Phone: (757) 664-2573

Lauren Bland, HRSC Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Office Phone: (757) 664-2576

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