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Background Checks and Drug Screenings Now Available Through Hampton Roads Sports Commission
Background Checks and Drug Screenings Now Available Through Hampton Roads Sports Commission

HAMPTON ROADS, VA - The Hampton Roads Sports Commission (HRSC), an affiliate of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, announces that it is partnering with America’s HR Solutions to make background checks and drug screenings accessible to the Hampton Roads community.

In an effort to keep children and volunteers in a safe environment, the HRSC is offering background checks through America’s HR Solutions as a service to the Hampton Roads community.  Through this initiative, background checks are easy, affordable and fast. Those who should take advantage of this service, include, but are not limited to: youth sports leagues, parks and recreation teams/leagues, sports venues, tournament organizers and HRSC member businesses.  There are two package options ranging from $13.95-$27.95 for both non-profit and for-profit organizations.  Within 1-3 days, the person or organization making the inquiry will receive the results directly from America’s HR Solutions.

Morgan Lang, Executive Director of the Hampton Roads Sports Commission, said, “With child abuse scandals prevalent in national news headlines, the Sports Commission wants to make this service available to the Hampton Roads community to take precautions.”  She added, “Each year, there are thousands of local children who participate in sports leagues and tournaments, so we want organizers and the public to know that this service is offered.  This will not only help protect our kids, but may help protect non-profit organizations.” 


Many employers require a drug screening prior to hiring an employee.  To make drug screening efficient and affordable to Hampton Roads businesses, the HRSC is also offering drug screenings through America’s HR Solutions’ local network of drug screening labs and collection sites in Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk and Virginia Beach.  The service is easy and affordable, costing $43.   


For more information about the background checks and drug screening programs, visit or call 757-664-2573.

About the Hampton Roads Sports Commission (    

In February of 1999, the Hampton Roads Sports Commission was formed as a public/private partnership among the seven cities of the Hampton Roads Region: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton and Newport News, and the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce.  The Commission’s primary function is to attract major amateur athletic events to the area and to emphasize regional collaboration. The Hampton Roads Sports Commission is an affiliate of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce.

About America’s HR Solutions (

America’s HR Solutions is an Administrative Services Organization (ASO), and a division of PayTime, Inc. Established in 1993 and providing HR, Payroll and Benefit services to clients of all sizes, AHRS is responding to market demands-make my HR department effective and efficient!  As an ASO, America’s HR Solutions delivers comprehensive human resource talent, competencies, processes and tools creating “premium” value at fractional “in sourcing” costs. America’s HR Solutions delivers value through three deployment models: Total Outsourcing, HR optimization and HR tools.

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