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Peninsula to host 2013 Coastal Plain League ASG
Peninsula to host 2013 Coastal Plain League ASG

“We are tremendously excited that our summer classic – the 2013 All-Star Game – will be hosted by the Peninsula Pilots and the City of Hampton,” said CPL commissioner Justin Sellers. “The whole Morgan family, (general manager) Jeffrey Scott, and the Pilots staff do a fantastic job creating a wonderful game-day atmosphere each season and we look forward to seeing what they have in store for our All-Star Game come July 7-8. This will be an event that everyone involved will remember for a long time.”

The two-day event starts on Sunday, July 7 with the CPL All-Star Fan Fest and Hitting Challenge. Fans will have the chance to meet both CPL All-Star teams during that time and watch as some of the league’s strongest hitters compete in an all-new event for the first-ever Hitter’s Challenge crown. Monday’s schedule includes the annual All-Star luncheon, Major League-style Scout Day, and then the main attraction – the 2013 CPL All-Star Game.

“The Coastal Plain League’s presence in Hampton has inspired a revitalization of Peninsula War Memorial Stadium and injected a great deal of excitement and family fun into our community over the last 14 years,” said Pilots’ vice president and head coach Hank Morgan. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase our fan base, region and ballpark to league management, our franchise partners and over 50 of the finest college ballplayers in the country. Our staff and sponsors are working hard to maximize the impact that these events have on the participants, fans and local economy. The MLB scouting community has supported this event extensively over the years, and for fans, it is a remarkably affordable opportunity to catch the future Justin Verlander’s and Ryan Zimmerman’s of the CPL on their way to the Big Leagues.”

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