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Economic Hardship Shuts Down Norfolk SharX Pro Soccer Team
Economic Hardship Shuts Down Norfolk SharX Pro Soccer Team


Economic Hardship Shuts Down Norfolk SharX Pro Soccer Team

By Jim Gooley | Norfolk Sharx

Norfolk, VA

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Jim Gooley

General Manager, Norfolk SharX

[email protected]


June 25, 2012 

Norfolk, Virginia --The Norfolk SharX of the Major Indoor Soccer League (MISL) announced today that due to economic hardship, the franchise will cease operations effective immediately.  The team completed its inaugural season at Scope Arena in March and will not return for the 2012-13 MISL season.


"The decision to cease operations was very difficult," states minority owner,  team founder and president Marcie Laumann . "It became apparent midway through the first season that local support from sponsors, advertisers, season ticket holders and patrons was not driving enough attendance or revenue to carry a pro soccer team. However, our fans and supporters couldn't have been more enthusiastic.  We simply lacked sufficient funding to get the word out that Hampton Roads finally had a Major Indoor Soccer League team. Fans who attended just once were hooked - but getting attendees in the door the first time proved too challenging with limited marketing funds."


In the face of unforeseen expenses and lower than anticipated sales revenue, herculean efforts were made to ensure the team completed its first season. A staff reorganization, streamlining operations and improving the fan's arena experience contained the SharX losses and sparked a surge in attendance through the latter part of the season. As the crowds grew, the first season SharX players starting winning games, leading to even more growth in attendance. 


"One of the most unfortunate points is that there are still several viable interested investors out there who understand the connection the Norfolk SharX made to their fans in this area, the economic viability of the team and the value that a professional major league team brings to this area, but unfortunately the clock simply appears to have run out on options for continuance without someone writing a check," said Laumann. "If one of the interested investors was able to step forward today or tomorrow, then perhaps there could still be a 2012/13 season, but without such a commitment, we have to call everything to a close." 


The SharX wish to extend their sincere appreciation and thanks to their sponsors, business partners and loyal fans for their tremendous support this past season.  Special recognition and gratitude is extended to the Scope Arena staffers and management who over delivered in every way to assure game day events were easy on the SharX staff, successful for the players and one of the most enjoyable and affordable entertainment choices in the region for our fans. 

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