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The Sky's The Limit For Competitive Gaming
The Sky's The Limit For Competitive Gaming
By Tammy Leytham

Video gaming is big business, with the Wall Street Journal projecting Esports revenue to be $1.5 billion by 2020. This is a light-years flash forward from Asteroids at the video arcade.

Major sports franchises are investing in professional teams. The International Olympics Committee is discussing including Esports in future Olympic Games. Colleges offer scholarships to Esports players. There are even high school and pee-wee leagues.

Games have storylines, outstanding visual effects and allow players to achieve total immersion into the game. They are played across cultures by men and women.

The sky’s the limit for Esports with each new slate of games that hit the market.

“This is perhaps the most rapidly growing sector within the sports event industry that we have ever seen,” said Wes Hall, executive director of the Hampton Roads Sports Commission in Virginia. “The future of this industry sector will not be as a niche sport but rather an industry staple with significant impact.” (Continue reading...)

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