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Norfolk Selected As Host of 2013to15 MEAC Basketball Tournament
Norfolk Selected As Host of 2013to15 MEAC Basketball Tournament

NORFOLK, Virginia, February 1, 2012 - The Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) announced today that the City of Norfolk, Virginia has been awarded the 2013-2015 MEAC Basketball Tournament.  The 2013 Tournament is scheduled for March 11-16 and will be played at the Norfolk Scope Arena.

Mayor Paul D. Fraim of the City of Norfolk, MEAC Commissioner Dennis Thomas along with Norfolk Vice Mayor Anthony Burfoot and Norfolk City Councilman Paul Riddick are scheduled to make the official announcement to media and fans during a press conference on Thursday, Feb. 2 beginning at 11:45 a.m. at the Showcase Restaurant in the Norfolk Scope. 

"We are excited to announce that the MEAC Council of Chief Executive Officers have selected Norfolk, Virginia as the host city for the 2013, 14, and 15 MEAC Men's and Women's Basketball Tournament," said MEAC Commissioner Dennis Thomas.  "We have enjoyed our tournament experience in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and look forward to another great tournament experience this year.  We are grateful to Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines, the City Council Members, the Steering Committee members and Bucky Dame and his staff for providing an outstanding experience for the MEAC and our fans." 

Thomas added, "We anticipate the move to Norfolk will be yet another opportunity for our fans to enjoy competitive MEAC Division I basketball and be a part of March Madness in a great and progressive city."

The City of Norfolk, home to MEAC institution Norfolk State University, is no stranger to hosting the annual basketball tournament.  From 1991-1993 and again in 1997, the City of Norfolk served as the tournament's host site. 

"The City of Norfolk is pleased to welcome back the MEAC Basketball tournament for the next three years. With Norfolk State University and Hampton University, two leading schools in the MEAC Conference, within a 20 minute drive from the venue, Norfolk is a natural choice for hosting this prestigious tournament. This is a tremendous opportunity to welcome fans and players to our vibrant city. It is my hope that visitors throughout the week-long event will decide Norfolk is a destination to experience again and again," says Mayor Paul D. Fraim.

"I'm thrilled to welcome the MEAC back to the City of Norfolk.  Not only will the tournament provide an economic boost to our City but more importantly this partnership will enrich the lives of our youth through its college day outreach program that allows young people to enjoy a college experience for a day," says Norfolk Vice Mayor Anthony Burfoot.

 "The MEAC's legacy keeps the rich history of our African-American colleges and universities alive.  I am pleased Norfolk will play a vital role continuing this rich tradition," says Norfolk City Councilman and Norfolk State University Alumni Paul Riddick.

The 2012 MEAC Basketball Tournament concludes the final year of the four-year partnership with the City of Winston-Salem.  The 2012 Tournament is scheduled for March 5-10 at the Lawrence Joel Memorial Coliseum in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 

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