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Neptune's Volleyball Tournament
When: September 28, 2013 until September 29, 2013, All Day
The Virginia Beach Oceanfront hosts the Neptune's Volleyball Tournament.
Location:  32nd Street, Virginia Beach, VA
Event Details:

2 v 2 and 4 v 4 play heats up the sand as men, women, and coed divisions compete for titles on the oceanfront.  Hosted in cooperation with Volleyball Virginia, numerous skill level classes are available for entry.  Set and spike your weekend to a new level by getting your piece of the beach at Neptune's Volleyball Tournament.  Games begin at 9:00am on both days.

Volleyball Virginia offers two ways to pre-register for this event - Teams can generate a printed entry form and mail in with a check or money order, or teams can enter on-line using a credit card. For more information, please contact Volleyball Virginia at (757) 467-4719. 

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