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Summer Heat Lacrosse Tournament
When: July 13, 2013 until July 14, 2013, All Day
Lacrosse comes to Virginia Beach!
Location:  Princess Anne Athletic Complex, Virginia Beach, VA
Event Details:

All Virginia Beach Lacrosse Tournaments combine a great lacrosse venue with a fantastic destination - all the makings of a great annual tradition!  We are in our 4th year for Beach Bash and Turkey Shoot and launching Summer Heat - each year these events get bigger and we sold out early this past fall! We offer multi-team (3 or more) and early registration discounts. 

A girls division is in the works - drop us a note if you are interested.

All three tournaments are held at the Virginia Beach Princess Anne Athletic Complex and adjacent Sportsplex and all games are played onsite - no traveling around to satellite fields makes it easy to bring several age groups!  Ample free parking is at the facility.  This event draws teams from New England, Mid Atlantic and the Southeast

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