Recognizing the positive impact Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team™ (WWAST) players have on children with amputations or missing limbs, we created a softball camp for such children where WWAST players serve as the coaches and mentors. Twenty terrific kids attended our inaugural Kids Camp in Orlando, FL in June of 2013. Kids Camp is an annual WWAST event as we continue our mission to educate and inspire these children who face many of the same challenges as our WWAST players. We believe it is a win for the kids, and a win for the WWAST players who have already served their country, and who continue to serve in this important way.
To qualify to attend Kids Camp, children must be between 8 – 12 years old, with an amputation or missing limb, and be physically capable of participating in our daily softball clinics. We give priority to children who otherwise qualify and are from military families. Regardless of the location of Kids Camp, children from all over the country are eligible to attend. WWAST will pay all expenses for the child and a parent, including travel, meals and lodging.
For further information on Kids Camp, or if you would like to receive an application for your child to attend, please contact us at [email protected].
Upcoming Events
- None
Past Events
13Mar9:30 am to 8:00 pm EDT
17Jan10:00 am to 9:00 pm EST
14SepAll day event