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USA Ultimate - Beach Championships
When: May 11, 2019 until May 12, 2019, All Day
Event Details:

Beach Ultimate is a popular and fast-growing spin-off of the grass-based game. Well-established Beach Ultimate events date back to the early 1990’s, with some events hosting as many as 100 teams, making them some of the largest tournaments in Ultimate. Beach Ultimate leagues and casual pickup games are sprinkled across the country, even on lakeside beaches.

Beach Ultimate is played as 4-on-4 or 5-on-5 and is played by men, mixed, women, masters, college, and youth-level teams. Windy beach conditions and a smaller field demand a more precision-oriented set of throwing skills, while the sandy field requires even greater endurance.

The natural environment of Beach Ultimate inspires a festive atmosphere where Spirit of the Game thrives alongside highly athletic play. The tradition of teams exchanging cheers or playing a whimsical game together after a match still runs strong in Beach Ultimate across the U.S.A. and internationally.

This focus on fun, coupled with a beautiful natural setting, also makes Beach Ultimate a great conduit for new players to encounter the sport in a pleasing environment and with no need for special equipment

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