The USA Ultimate Beach Nationals will be held May 2-3 in Virginia Beach, VA.
The goal of this event is to provide national level competition for players in the Beach Division. The event will also be used to assess the level of demand for this division of play and serve as a starting point for determining future playing opportunities. The guidelines that follow are USAU’s requirements for qualification and criteria for acceptance for the 2015 Beach Championships. As this is a new and growing division, these guidelines and the bid allocation process are subject to change.
In order to award bids early enough so that teams can make the necessary preparations for selecting and preparing their teams, and so that organizers can make the necessary preparations , there is an early registration period (Phase 1) during which the minimum number of teams (6 per division) must register in order to hold the event for each division. If the minimum registration requirements are met during Phase 1, a late registration period (Phase 2) may be opened up for additional teams to fill available spots in the tournament.
Teams will be selected with a priority being given to teams from communities with existing beach leagues that are demonstrating a commitment to growing beach ultimate.
Upcoming Events
- None
Past Events
13Mar9:30 am to 8:00 pm EDT
17Jan10:00 am to 9:00 pm EST
14SepAll day event